Tuesday 10 July 2007

Wardrobe--- Part I

When people look at you, they judge you immediately. Sure, after that they'll notice your smile and the way you talk to everyone, and your clothes won't matter. But, still, it doesn't hurt to project the right image, now, does it? So, here's a list of things you should have in your wardrobe, how to wear them, and what to avoid at all costs.
WARDROBE essentials
Uggs Uggs are the source of much debate. Sure, they're ugly as hell (the name kind of gives it away), but they should still be part of your wardrobe. Why? They're just too good for rainy days to throw away!
Wear them with: Skinny jeans tucked in, and a hoodie.
Never ever wear them with: Tracksuits. Ew, ew, ew. You want to look classy and like you have money, remember? And tracksuit + Uggs = trashy.

Dubes: You either love Dubes or hate them. But, if you want to be an Irish prep, you'll have to have em. Wear the brown or navy ones---avoid pink and red ones at all costs. Let's not even mention the decks that are gold.
Wear them with: Canterburys, jeans, hoodies, classy sweaters, polos, shorts...anything really. But avoid the skirt route...the only girl I've ever seen this work on models.

Canterburys: Not everybody agrees that cantos look good on a girl, but I disagree.
Wear them with: Dubes and a polo/hoodie.
Never ever wear them with: Anything other then Dubes and a hoodie.

Polo shirts: Preppy essential...so of course the Irish prep must own them. Abercrombie ones are good, but Ralph Lauren is better. Avoid Penneys ones at ALL COSTS.
Wear them with: Anything!!

Hoodies: Hoodies. :) Fabulous, and it IS possible to look great in them. Abercrombie, Hollister or American Eagle ones are major status symbols.

Monday 9 July 2007

Livin the life...

First of all, before we go any further, we're going to have to find out if you're a true Irish prep, or if you'll have to fake it. So, think about these questions:
a) Does your family live in what's considered a well-off area?
b) Do you have a vast network of friends outside of school?
c) Do your hobbies include sailing, hockey, insert instrument here, acting or singing?
Now, obviously, not everyone's going to answer yes to those questions. If you DIDN'T ANSWER YES, read the rest of this entry. If you DID answer yes, you don't really need to bother.

If you name a private school, I can probably name at least one person I know in that school. Kinda weird, but true. How is this possible? Well, from my vast array of hobbies, of course. You should really know people outside of school---who knows where else they'll pop up? Now, this very neatly brings me onto hobbies...
Your hobbies are seriously important. You make tons of friends (see above), you get to meet guys (good, seeing as you probably go to an all-girls school), you have skills, and, of course, eventually you'll have an advantage.
If you do acting classes, you'll naturally be fairly good at debating. More of a chance of getting onto the school debating team, so. If you had tennis coaching all winter, you'll beat everyone else come spring. Unless, of course, they're all like you and have been doing the aforementioned hobbies as well. Oh, well. You'll have an advantage eventually. But choose your hobbies carefully. Very carefully. Tennis, fine, as long as you do it in the right club. Apply that principle to all your hobbies, and you're set.


It's a whole new culture, that baffles anyone outside of it. Yummy Drummies, D4s, Irish preps...whatever you call them, you know them. Believe it or not---that caked girl with Uggs walking down the street isn't a D4 (or, as I will call it from now on: A IRISH PREP). She's a wannabe. It goes so much deeper then Uggs. It's what school you go to, what your parents work as, what sports you play....and, of course, there's the clothes. But, sometime this whole culture is confusing. Should you wear Uggs? Where should you get your foundation? Should you sign up for basketball? That's where this blog comes in. Even if you're a true Irish Prep, and most of this comes naturally to you, sometimes you'll be the teeniest bit confused. So consult this guide. You'll never admit to logging on, but, boy, will you log on...
You've heard of the Preppy Handbook. Now here's the D4 handbook. Is it satire, parody, or the truth? That's for you to decide.
What will you feature?
Clothes. The Irish preppy culture. How to figure out if you're cut out to be a d4. And so much more.